Here's What You Absolutely Need to Thrive in Content Today

It's not what you think!

Alright, my fellow content peeps.

Let's hit the pause button on the Google updates, SEO convos, and the ever-changing algorithm chatter for a hot minute.

I’ve been thinking a lot about resiliency in this industry and why some of us stick around while others give up.

So, today I'm serving up something that is way more important to our lasting success in this industry today.

What is the #1 thing you need to survive in content today?

A great network of the right people.

Yes. That’s the secret.

If you want to survive and grow in the content industry, you are going to have to collect some awesome content peeps.


Great content is not built in isolation.

It takes a team to build anything valuable in this life, including your career and life in content.

Nobody gets to the top alone.

And during the journey to the top, every content creator faces the inevitable challenge…

You will have to build into the content void at some point.

Whether you are starting a new podcast, newsletter, blog, or resource section, we can all feel like we’re singing to an empty room at times.

This is the time in every content initiative that it’s super tempting to give up. And, if we’re isolated, alone, and trying to figure this all out by ourselves, this is where we might easily give up.

It’s when the numbers are low, the data is sparse, and the engagement is a ghost time that we need a strong network in our lives.

But, we don’t just need ‘anyone’ in our corner. The right people matter, but who are they?

The 4 People You Need in Your Content Support Network

I truly believe in building a community of support around you for all areas of your life. Nobody becomes a success in isolation.

But let’s talk about the types of people you need in your circle if you’ve decided to take this ride on the content rollercoaster!

1 — The Old School Been-There-Done-That-Seen-Everything Guru

If you’ve been in the content space for over a minute, you will face some downturns.

It’s just part of the game.

That’s when you need to connect to the been-there-done-that folks in your life.

These old-school guru types are essential to help you see the bigger picture. They’ve been through countless technical and industry shifts and are still here, doing their thing.

Nothing seems to phase them. Their confidence stems from knowing they’ve survived before and can figure it out again.

They are great to have in your corner if you are making big decisions or need to map out your strategies for the year.

I’m lucky to have a handful of old-school gurus who’ve been around the block in my life; they are the key to lasting survival!

2 — The Passionate Content Creative

I love this industry so much because I get to be around the most creative, quirky misfits in the land.

Even on my low days, connecting with passionate creatives lifts my spirits. These people are there to remind us why we love this craft and why we were given these gifts of storytelling and creativity.

These people enjoy the process of creation and will often create into the void because they cannot imagine doing anything else.

Fill your life with passionate content creators. I’m inspired every single day by someone like this in my circle.

3 — The Cheerleader

We all need someone that is 100% rooting for us.

I am lucky to have a few people in my network who have been rooting for me along the way. The good news about these types is that they don’t even have to be in content.

Great cheerleader types are not just ‘talk’ either — they are often natural connectors and will send a recommendation your way when it fits.

And you know what? Their cheers aren't just for your content wins.

Oh no! These people are popping the confetti for your personal highs, lending an ear when you've hit a snag, and always ready with a comforting word or two. Whether you're battling content algorithms or just life's little curveballs, they're in your corner.

They genuinely get you inside and out of the content world.

4 — The Tell it Like it Really Is Person

We all need someone in our network who is authentic as hell — who will tell you what’s really going on.

These are invaluable people to have in your circle and ones that you need to connect with on a consistent basis.

While it’s great to have others who inspire you and can show you a much bigger picture, I have come to really cherish the people in my network who are not afraid to show the battle scars, challenges, and hard-fought lessons — especially in the content space.

This year has been a wild one for us, and there is just such a comfort in knowing that I’m not alone in all of this.

I’ve had the most authentic, meaningful, career-changing chats with these people in my life. They also tell you when you are not on the right path or are headed for burnout.

If you have someone in your circle who isn’t afraid to show you what’s behind the curtain, cling tight. You’ll need them!

Now that we know the 4 types of people you need in your network, the question arises...

Where Do You Find a Great Inner Circle Anyways?

I hope I’ve convinced you that you need to build that core group of people who will help you propel your life in content.

But where do you find these awesome peeps?

Here are some places to build your network:

Industry-Specific Slack Groups and Communities

I am a dedicated member of a couple of content marketing/SEO communities, and they’ve been a big help in my life. These are the kinds of people I want to nerd out with.

I’m currently an active member of:

  • Top of the Funnel Community. They have a free membership, but if you want to go more in-depth, there is also a Middle of the Funnel community to join there.

  • Superpath Pro. I’ve been a part of the Superpath Pro paid community for a couple of years and have met some brilliant, nerdy content folks there. The Slack group is active and more than welcoming for newbies.

  • Women in Tech SEO. This community is one of the best SEO communities I’ve been a part of on the internet. Super active. Great questions and welcoming to newbies with enough ‘meat on the bones’ discussions for a more experienced crew. If you are a women in SEO, you need to join this community. If you are not a woman, I recommend checking out the resources here!

Social Media

I have made some awesome friends on Twitter and LinkedIn. I stay connected to many friends via their LinkedIn and Twitter posts as well. I’m also one of the classics that is still on Facebook. There are a ton of industry-specific groups you can join as well.

Social media also breeds familiarity.

Think about it.

We meet someone in a cohort or at a conference. If we connect with them on socials, they are suddenly in our line of vision weekly.

Use this to your advantage. Put yourself out there and keep making connections. The right people will get in.

Local Meetups and Workshops

Please don't underestimate the power of face-to-face connections, even in our digital age! Many cities have local meetups or workshops tailored for content creators, marketers, or SEO enthusiasts. Grab a coffee, put on your best 'networking' smile, and dive into real-world interactions. I've made some lasting connections this way.

If there are no local events, start your own!

Conferences and Industry Events

Industry events are making a comeback! And, for good reason — they are a goldmine for meeting like-minded folks. Keep an eye out for content marketing or SEO conferences. You can still mingle in breakout rooms or chat functions even if they're virtual.

Recommendations from Trusted Sources

Your current network can be a gateway to new connections. Don't be shy! Ask friends or colleagues if they know someone you should connect with. It’s kind of like setting up a professional blind date – but with less awkwardness and more talk about content strategy.

Remember, finding your circle is a bit like dating. Not every interaction will lead to a meaningful connection, and that's okay. Keep at it, stay genuine, and you'll have that rock-solid support crew by your side before you know it.

Things to Read, Watch, and Ponder

For us in publishing, this discussion is nothing new. Still, it’s interesting to see Reuters discuss what is happening with Google and the larger debate re: ethics in publishing and using publisher content for AI-generated results. Worth a read!

It’s time to look ahead to 2024, which usually means looking at our content marketing budgets. With all the changes and shifts in our industry this year, these kinds of roundtable discussions are important. Brought to you by our friends at Optimist.

The only thing we can depend on in this industry is change. So, how do we keep our heads in the game? Well, I’ve got a podcast episode just for us this week! In this episode, the SEO Mindset crew discusses the 3 C’s needed for change: commitment, courage, and consistency. We all need to listen to this!

Speaking of helpful content, if you are still trying to figure out the HCU that impacted so many content publishers, the brilliant Eric Lancheres has made a few updates as he continues to dig deeper into his assessments.

For example:

Oct 20th Update: While exceedingly rare, I did receive a report of an e-commerce site running WordPress WooCommerce being negatively affected. While it IS an e-commerce website... it is also running WordPress. I suspect that Google be focusing on the blog aspect of the website and misinterpreting it as an unhelpful blog.

If you haven’t read this assessment Eric put together, I strongly recommend that you do. While much of this is still speculative, the depth of analysis is quite impressive, and there are some critical insights for us in content that we can learn here, so I’m sharing it here again. Thank you, Eric, for continuing the work here.

Thanks for reading!

Remember, in the ever-shifting content landscape, your community is your anchor. Stay connected, stay informed, and always support one another. Until next time!

Cheers! Amy

Some Bonus Newsletters You’ll Love

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