Content Forward: We Don't Have to Do This Alone

How are we all doing these days? Let's get into it.

Hello, fellow content peeps!

I’ve had a tough week. I suspect that I’m not completely alone when I say that it is a tough time to be in content right now. If this is you, know that it’s not just you. We’re all feeling it.

We’ll get into my thoughts…

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A Reminder. We Don’t Have to Do This Alone

For the past few years, I’ve prioritized connecting with other creatives in my professional life. I’ve attended a few events, joined some great Slack groups and communities, and built some amazing relationships.

Working in the digital realm can be quite lonely at times.

While having a fully remote role is great for so many reasons, the reality is that, for the most part, it’s just me sitting behind my computer, trying to take on the world one step at a time.

I am one of the lucky ones in this industry who has found meaningful work over the years. I’ve met some incredible people digitally who have become real-life friends, colleagues, and confidantes for life.

When I started my career, I could never have imagined this would be my life. And that I would be surrounded by so much support in a digital world.

The past few months have been brutal for many of us in SEO and content as we’ve had to pivot. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It’s been a bonafide shit show and I’ve discussed the many, many reasons this is happening in this publication before.

And, yet, many of us are still here, logging into our computers every day trying to figure things out. We are a resilient bunch, us creative types, aren’t we?

So, if there’s one thing I want you to do this week, it’s this:

Find your people.

Build a community if you don’t have one.

Join a new community in your niche.

Reach out to a few people and get some coffee chats on the books.

We don’t have to take this journey alone.

People want to connect. This week, I joined a new What’s App chat for freelancers + those looking for new gigs. In just one week, the group has grown from just a few people to over 230 (and growing).

Every day, people in this small group share new opportunities, offer tips, or just provide a sounding board for others struggling to navigate the challenges of finding a new gig.

I love to see this!

Moving Content Forward: We Got This!

This week, I do not want to discuss Google updates, SEO, or the ongoing war between in-house SEOs, SEO experts, and niche site owners.

The reality is we cannot change Google.

I do not want to spend what little resources and energy I have trying to figure out Google’s next move. There is still much to do.

I echo another creator, Morgan’s sentiments for all of us here:

“And so, fair or not, our only option is to pivot. Pivot our traffic and our business. Also pivot our income and start new non-Google dependent businesses.

Focus on where the market is rewarding creators versus where they have a foot on our heads.

Every minute I spend fighting Google I might gain and inch, I might gain nothing at all. Maybe a few Twitter followers.

Every minute I spend putting my effort into companies and platforms that are rewarding creators I gain a mile.”

If you are in this industry right now, you will have to dig deep. We will have to collectively decide to be there for each other, value our craft as creators, and find a new path forward.

I enjoyed this take from Ashley Cummings on the state of content right now. She echoes many of the discussions I’ve been having lately. Like Ashley, I’m hoping that we figure things out in 2024

In the meantime, what is keeping me going is knowing that I’m not alone in this. If you’re reading this newsletter, know you have a friend in me here. I’m always down for a chat. Just reply. I’d love to hear from you!

No, It’s Not Just You. Things are Weird Right Now for Everyone

There has been a lot of chatter in many of the groups I’m in about clients not getting back to people, projects taking a long time to push through, and being ghosted when asking for approvals.

I’ve noticed it as well.

If you’ve been in the freelance/digital space or work in an agency, we’ve seen these things before.

Here are some reasons this may be happening (and what we can do about it):

We’re starting to feel the effects of companies downsizing.

Many of us are working with fewer resources. We still have projects that need to be completed, but we may not have the team to implement them. This is usually when many companies hire contractors or freelancers, but I suspect that even those budgets are tightening right now.

So, companies are cutting back, and work isn’t getting done as quickly as usual.

My advice: If you are feeling the slowdown working with clients or companies, just be patient. Things like this are usually cyclical. Yes, follow up when needed, but giving a little extra wiggle room and time right now is okay.

A lot of companies are not used to working with freelancers or contractors.

It can seem like an easy switch to go from working with an in-house team, to working with contractors, but it isn’t as easy as plug-and-play.

Many contractors and freelancers are used to juggling many clients - freelancers are quick to communicate and can work independently to complete a task. Some companies are not used to the asynchronous nature of working like this.

My advice: Teach people how to treat you. Overcommunicate and deliver what you can on your end. Give clear directives on what you are delivering and what they need to do for you to deliver.

People are trying to build the plane while the plane is flying.

It can be tough for any industry when change is happening so rapidly. Some of us are changing direction weekly.

What was critical last month may not be a priority this month.

I know this is super frustrating.

I’m sure I’ve frustrated a few writers and contractors because we’ve had to suddenly re-prioritize something.

My advice: Ask questions. It’s okay to ask if this project is still a priority. Try not to take it personally if a project is suddenly de-prioritized. Just ask what else you can do to help!

People may just be checked out, overwhelmed, and burnt out.

For many years, we hustled hard in this company. As we scaled and grew, there was a dynamic energy that can be really energizing for some.

Today, we are taking a more deliberate approach. There is inherently a lot less fury and action.

For those who thrive on scaling, growing, and having lots to do, suddenly facing a ‘blank page’ can be tough.

I’ve seen it many times.

Not everyone can quickly adjust to a new way of working. Solo-creating is so different than creating with a team, for example.

For all of these reasons and more, people can momentarily check out, get overwhelmed, or plain ole’ burn out.

Burnout comes in many forms. I wish we talked about this a lot more as creatives.

We are all intrinsically motivated differently. Burnout doesn’t just happen because we work long hours. It usually happens when we feel intrinsically demotivated by our work.

My advice: Take some time to assess your feelings. Be open to discussing these things with your team. Listen. Sometimes, all we need is a few days away from the office. Sometimes, we may need a bit of clarity or a new, more focused approach to a project we’re working on.

Yes. Things feel a bit off for many of us right now. Acknowledging this and having a forum to communicate our current challenges helps me. I hope this helps you all as well!

Things to Read, Watch, and Ponder

▶️ The freelance life isn’t for everyone. In this article, Jo Juliana Turnbull shares some insights on managing the loneliness, downturns, and challenges of freelancing. Read it here!

▶️ Are Google results still getting worse? Here’s a deep dive from The Washington Post, worth a read!

▶️ Gaming has been hit hard with the latest Google updates, and it looks like even great publications like Retro Dodo, trying to do all the right things, are caught in the crossfire. You can read Brandon’s raw thoughts in this article here.

▶️ Need some great advice on how to manage frustrations at work? Yes! Check out the latest SEO Mindset Podcast with Tazmin and Sarah for some tips on how to keep our emotions in check. Listen here!

Thank you all for being here. I’ll be back next week with my usual deep dives. One of the things I am working on is investigating all of the new remote and freelance job boards. I will report back on my findings soon.

Have a great week.

Cheers! Amy

Some Bonus Newsletters You’ll Love

If you want to get into the weeds on these topics, here are some newsletters that I read regularly that I think you’ll enjoy:

Niche Media PublishingNews & Views On Online Media Publishing
MarTech ToolkitDiscover & Implement marketing tech in your business.
Content BitesFree, weekly content marketing strategies from top 1% content marketers. Tactics, templates, examples, & case studies you can steal & use immediately.
Freelance Opportunities!A new list of freelance opportunities delivered to your inbox every Friday


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