Content Forward: Connection, Curiosity, and the New World of Work

Do you think like a content marketer? A short discussion.

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Hello, fellow content peeps!

I’m back to share my thoughts on all things content marketing in this digital world.

But first, let’s hear from our sponsor…

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How to Think Like a Content Marketer

I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been in content marketing for so long, but I feel like I’ve had extreme tunnel vision when it comes to content marketing.

This summer, I realized that not everyone thinks like a content marketer.

I know.

This should not be such a big revelation.

I evaluate every opportunity and every task through the lens of a content marketer.

For me, it’s become so natural.

If I can’t write, talk about, get excited about something, it just doesn’t feel like a very good ‘something’ to work on.

I’ve turned down working with many clients just because I couldn’t envision the clear story or value of their business, or service.

I’ve also helped others figure out their story, shape their company content and pull out those content nuggets that help make someone memorable.

If you can’t market your business, talk about what you do, or express what you bring to the world, why would you want to build an entire business around that?

I think like a marketer all the time. This isn’t something I just ‘turn off’ - it’s become a part of my essence for sure.

But doesn’t everyone think like this?

The answer is no.

This summer, I got to work closely with a real business owner who finally said to me - you need to teach me to think like a marketer.

Whether you're new to content marketing or a seasoned pro, this mindset can be developed—it's about curiosity, connection, and the constant pursuit of meaningful stories.

This makes me think of The Copywriter’s Lifestyle from Very Good Copy

I believe thinking like a content marketer is not something you can simply shut off, but hey, why would you want to?

How do you find stories?

How do you discover trends, themes and topics to focus on?

“Don’t just walk the dog.”

Copywriter, John Carleton (From Very Good Copy, Eddie Shleyner)

Eddie Shleyner, the author of Very Good Copy goes explains that a real copywriter doesn’t just walk the dog, but engages with other dog owners. Wanders into a pub. Chats up a few people.

He says:

“Great copywriters share a common set of habits and values. They pursue new things, unusual things, first experiences. They speak to strangers. They open themselves up.”

I feel like really living your life as a content creator does become a lifestyle. You look at the world differently.

Even in business content marketing. Your conversations are based in real, intense curiosity. You learn how to really listen, to ask the right questions to pull those valuable gems in any conversation.

As a content creator, you don’t just want to ask and answer questions - you look for patterns, words, themes in every conversation to build great, authentic, valuable content.

For those of us who are die-hard content marketing thinkers, this really does become so natural. We get giddy when someone goes full ‘nerd’ when talking about something they love and we know how to use that nerdiness and mold it into something the rest of the world needs to know about.

It becomes a way of life really and I’ve 100% embraced this as part of my personality, what about you?

Does Media need to focus on connection over consumption?

I came across an article recently that really hit home. (You can read it here). It dives into why people aren’t posting on social media like they used to. The shift from genuine connection to content consumption is palpable, and it’s leading to a disconnect that I’m sure many of us feel.

As Julia Alexander aptly puts it:

Humans don’t want to scale. We want to feel connected and, as our world expands each day through the trillion of interactions that happen online, that feeling of disconnect grows. What works for the distributors that allowed for democratization to happen actually hindered what made social media great in the first place. In an increased period of isolation, feeling like we’re connecting with others over a shared interest makes our world feel tangible again.

This shift also explains why platforms like Reddit, forums and communities are seeing so much growth. It’s not all about Google, I do think people are searching for more ways to connect.

People are hungry for real connections, and when traditional social media doesn’t provide that, we naturally seek out communities where we can be heard and understood.

In a world that often feels increasingly disconnected, these communities offer a place to connect, share, and truly engage. That’s where the real value lies, and why I think we’re seeing this migration away from traditional platforms.

As content creators, I think we need to find these genuine ways to connect with our audiences, with the people chatting about the topics we care about.

One of my favorite content people, the brilliant Harshala Chavan, founder of Merrative did a deep dive on how brands are using forums to marketing that I had to call out here as well. I think more brands need to pay attention to this and build those digital connections in forums, and communities with their audiences.

Is the Portfolio Career the Best Way to Survive The New Era of Work?

I’ve had so many friends and colleagues talking about side hustles, consulting work, and finding other personal income streams this year, but is this the future of work?

I think many of us in content have lived this contractor / freelancer / side hustle life for a while, so it’s not a new concept, but I’ve been feeling like we are moving towards a more massive shift to work like this.

I’m not alone in feeling this shift.


Goodbye: corporate overlords and the 9-5. Hello: portfolio careers, infinite earning potential and creative freedom 💁🏻‍♀️ #business #caree... See more

I’m here for all of it.

There are so many benefits that come from exploring a passion project, or finding a new outlet to contribute your magic with. I take lessons from every project I take on, and from every side hustle too.

I’ve seen this resiliency in many of our writers and contractors — I think more companies need to learn how to work with this growing group of portfolio career people.

For us, that means giving our contractors and writers as much flexibility as possible, working asynchronously, and keeping communication channels like Slack open.

The portfolio career is here to stay. Flexibility, diversity in projects, and the ability to follow your passions—these aren’t just perks; they’re becoming necessities for a fulfilling and resilient career.

Need a Laugh? The LinkedIn Profile Roaster is Here

We can all take ourselves a bit too seriously in this age of personal branding. So, if you’re up to it, and up for a lighthearted giggle at your hard-earned career accomplishments, try the LinkedIn Profile Roaster and get a witty, AI-powered analysis of your life’s work.

Warning: May crush any remaining delusional tendencies.

Things to Read, Watch, and Ponder

▶️If you are going through a career transition, or just need some inspirational advice, I strongly recommend you check out this interview with Dusti Arab who shares the real deal realities and ups and downs of marketing entrepreneurship this year! Listen here! 

▶️ Smart publishers are taking advantage of the massive growth of Reddit and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Read Adweek’s take on the current landscape here. 

▶️ Reddit’s trajectory keeps going up and the team at Amsive did a really great deep dive that breaks down the presence of Reddit in various niches. Worth a read here!

▶️There is another core update rolling out right now and Google is promising to surface useful content from small and independent sites. We will have to see where this plays out, but you can read more about it here.

▶️Need an in depth look at how Google’s ranking system works? Grab a cup of tea and sit down to this piece from Mario Fischer, worth a deep dive into. Check it out! 

▶️I love hearing stories like Gil’s in this piece from MarTech on how marketers must adapt to a changing world. Our world is changing, but your story can still break through. Read this article here!

Thanks for reading. I am so happy to be here chatting about these topics, but I would LOVE to hear from you. Is there a topic you’d love to dive deeper into? Or perhaps a content challenge you’re facing? Let me know—I’m always curious to hear what’s on your mind.

Let me know. I’ll be here.

Cheers! Amy

Some Bonus Newsletters You’ll Love

If you want to get into the weeds on these topics, here are some newsletters that I read regularly that I think you’ll enjoy:

Niche Media PublishingNews & Views On Online Media Publishing
MarTech ToolkitDiscover & Implement marketing tech in your business.
ReddVisibleThe business of Reddit.
Content BitesFree, weekly content marketing strategies from top 1% content marketers. Tactics, templates, examples, & case studies you can steal & use immediately.
Freelance Opportunities!A new list of freelance opportunities delivered to your inbox every Friday


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